Looking for an epic way to propose to the love of your life? Well, why not take a look at our list of creative proposal ideas.
Preparing a proposal can often fill the proposer with trepidation and even anxiety. This is why we have created this list to help take the edge off in such a situation, by providing unique proposal ideas, which can help with inspiration!
Creative proposal ideas for girls to ask guys
Who says only guys get to propose? There are many different ways to propose. Flip the script and propose to your guy if you’re sure it’s the right time to. This will take some serious courage and creativity as not many women are wont to do this, and it takes a lot of guts to break from tradition. You could choose to do it publicly or privately, but either way, reversing the roles and proposing to your guy, sounds like a great idea if you are up for it.
Creative central park proposal ideas
Considering proposing at your favorite location in central park? Go for it. There are lots of tourists and other strangers who would not mind sparing a minute to help you on your quest. Whether it involves dropping a few clues in your girl’s lap one by one or holding up a sign for you, be sure that you can pull it off.
Creative proposal ideas that don’t cost money
On a tight budget, but still want to give your girl the proposal she deserves? Consider a subway proposal if you are regular commuters. Ask a subway crooner nicely to sing her favorite song while you propose or buy cute flowers and whip them out before you get to your stop. Either way, a public subway proposal is a great idea for a romantic way to propose and we doubt she’d be able to say no.
Creative proposal ideas with swimming pool
Turn a normal day at the pool into a day of romance and celebration as you arrange your message on a few floaters before the emerges from the changing room. Don’t forget to drop on one knee as soon as her eye catches the message.
Memorable proposal ideas
A visit to the local aquarium could be a great chance to propose. Get the divers to hold up a sign for you inside of her favorite fish tank, or swim with the dolphins and have one nudge her with a sign. This sweet proposal would be a sure winner for you and one that would be hard to say no to.
Source: Instagram@vlad_leto_nyc, Instagram@vlad_leto_nyc, Instagram@vlad_leto_nyc

Creative proposal ideas with a challenge
Play a game. If she is the type that enjoys treasure hunts, then this would be a fun proposal idea for you. Send her on a treasure hunt with clues that lead all the way to you with a ring in one hand and on bended knee.
Creative business proposal ideas
Do you work together? Then why not invite her for a meeting or a business trip where she expects to find other colleagues in attendance in instead finds only you. This would be one truly cool way to propose.
Creative proposal ideas at home
Sometimes you don’t need an elaborate location to find creative ways to propose. You can create the magic right at home with your loved ones, and what more, they will be more than glad to help. Also, what better way to catch someone off guard than to stage a proposal in the place she feels most at home and unguarded?
Don’t overlook the simple things, a proposal at home is a great idea if planned right. You could have members of your family hold up a sign with the words for the proposal, or even better, train the family pet to do it if possible. It would be hard to resist a little Beagle or cute Labrador.
Creative romantic proposal ideas
If your girl is one for reading the paper, then this is one cute proposal idea you should not overlook. Glue your question creatively on the inside of her favorite subscription, or take out an actual ad in the paper. You can do this at home, or when you’re both out on a picnic, not forgetting to carry the trusty paper along.
After encouraging her to read it, you could even nudge her to the exact page, peep until she gets to the target page and drop down on one knee. She is sure to have a priceless look on her face as you spew the words you have prepared just for this occasion. Remember to have some tissue on hand as this could result in a few tears of joy.
Creative valentine’s day proposal ideas
Valentine day proposals are sometimes the best, as they create a celebration within a celebration. Consider hiding the proposal in her valentine day gift. If your girl is a bookworm, then great. You could purchase a book she has been wanting to read, and hollow it out for some space to put the ring. She will surely forgive you for mutilating a book she loves when she discovers the ring inside and you on one knee. This would be a great creative night time proposal idea and would be for sure a valentine’s day to remember.
There is an unlimited number of creative proposal ideas out there. From creative prom proposal ideas to creative homecoming proposal ideas; even creative proposal ideas for college. The one thing you need to get right is the element of surprise. So, no matter your choice of method, we hope that our list has been able to give you enough inspiration to pop that question.