Are you looking for romantic ways to propose to the love of your life? Is she worth more than just flowers or a candlelight dinner? Do you want to do something creative and unique?
If you’re trying to find romantic proposal ideas you have come to the right place. We have composed a list of some of the most romantic ways to pop the question.
1. Take her to the aquarium for just an ordinary fun day out. However, she will have no idea that you arranged for divers to hold up a waterproof sign that reads “(Fill in name), will you marry me?” during one of the diving shows. Aquariums already have romantic lighting so the ring will sparkle and shine as you place it on her finger.

2. Carve “Will You Marry Me, (fill in name)?” on a tree in the woods and take her on a hike where you will happen to pass the tree. Pull out the ring and drop to your knee as soon as she sees it.

3. On Easter, have an Easter Egg hunt outside (or indoors if you prefer) and plant lots of plastic Easter eggs with candies and little love notes. You can make it like a scavenger hunt and the last egg will contain the ring!

4. After a snowy, cold evening, carve “Will You Marry Me?” on the windshield of her car so she sees it before she goes to work. Make sure that the temperature will not rise too quickly so it doesn’t melt away before she sees it!
5. Call ahead and arrange for a full screen proposal message ad at your local movie theater and take her out to the movies. Or if you have the means, you can even create your own proposal movie trailer. This one takes more planning and you would have to ask for some help, but either way, she will be blown away!

6. Carve “Will You Marry Me?” on a pumpkin (or several) and plant them in a pumpkin patch. Take her pumpkin picking and lead her to the spot where you have strategically placed them. Or you could turn them into jack o’lanterns and place them on your front porch so she sees them when she comes home from work.

7. Sneak into her office and switch out her computer keyboard for one that spells out your proposal so it is the first thing she sees when she gets to work. Or make it her screen saver or background so she sees it when she turns on her computer. If she happens to be a teacher, you can write it on the chalkboard or make a banner to hang in her classroom with your proposal.
8. If she’s away on a business or personal trip, tell her have a work or family engagement and are unable to pick her up. Tell her you have arranged transportation and to look for a driver as she exits the airport terminal. Rent a drives uniform complete with cap and be waiting for her holding a sign that says “(Fill in name), Will you marry me?”

9. Wake up a little earlier than usual and make her breakfast in bed. Put the ring on the tray with the meal. Or slip it on her finger while she’s still asleep so she sees it when she wakes up. You could also write her a proposal message on the bathroom or bedroom mirror. Or carve into her bar of soap (you could even put the ring in the bar of soap so she sees it when she washes up for the day!) If she’s a coffee drinker, you could hide the coffee jar and replace it with an empty jar containing the ring. The possibilities for “wake up” proposals are endless!

10. Spell out your proposal in holiday lights at Christmastime on your front lawn, the front of your house (or side, or rooftop, whichever you prefer) or even inside on an empty wall. Or purchase as special ornament where you can place the ring side. Have your initials and “Will You Marry Me” and the date inscribed. This way you also have a keepsake of your proposal that you can place on your tree for years to come!

11. If you are both sporting enthusiasts, take her to a local game and have the band and color guard spell out her name and “Will you marry me?” during the half-time show. Or pay to have it announced over the loudspeaker or as an ad on the scoreboard of Fan-O-Vision. You could tell her that you are going for refreshment sand stick the ring in the box of peanuts, candy or popcorn!
12. Put the engagement ring in her regular jewelry box so she sees it when she goes to put on her usual jewelry for the day. You could also place the ring in her makeup bag or with her hair accessories. Stick the ring box in the toe of her shoes or put in the pocket of her jeans or skirt.
13. Spell out “Will You Marry Me” on glow in the dark letters and stick them on your wall or ceiling so she sees them as soon as she turns out the lights for the evening.

14. Take her to a photo booth and just when the light goes off to take the first picture, pull of the ring. This will capture the pure look of surprise on her face.

15. Has she been bugging you to do home repairs? Well, now you can make her happy and propose all at once. Start on whatever repair is needed most and ask her to bring you a certain tool from your toolbox. Have the ring box sitting inside the toolbox she’ll see it as soon as she opens the lid. She’ll never look at home repairs the same way!
Which of these romantic ways to propose do you like the best? You can choose your favorite and tweak it to fit your proposal idea. Good luck and we wish you many years of happiness!