“We picked both girls up for a meal, but it wasn’t until we took Krista back to her place to change for a game of bowling when it all began… “

Our first meeting
It was August of 2013. I was in my Senior year at the University when a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to join him for a double date. I was overwhelmed with my studies and the time wasn’t right at all. So I really didn’t know what made me agree. We picked both girls up for a meal, but it wasn’t until we took Krista back to her place to change for a game of bowling when it all began. As soon as we arrived at her house we realized that all doors had been locked, and nobody had a key, so Krista decided to force her way through by pushing the door with all her might. At first, it didn’t seem to work, but Krista was persistent… And then her knee went through, shattering a glass panel at the bottom of the door. Blood gushed from an open wound – and that was how our first date ended: at the hospital, with her receiving 7 stitches. You might think that this is quite a dramatic beginning for a relationship, but that wasn’t the day we had the spark. So for the next three years, we were just friends, always feeling we could be something more, but never really crossing the line. It took three years of friendship and a trip to Las Vegas together for me to finally find enough courage to kiss her in the backseat of a friend’s jeep, and from that day we never parted.
Proposal preparation
“From the moment we kissed on Dec 26th 2016 we knew we were meant to be together“

I knew I wanted to make my proposal a truly memorable one. I started with something really traditional, like asking her father for her hand in marriage. Yes, that’s right – only three weeks after we kissed we officially started dating we went to a Jared’s. What I had to do was ask her mother to help me pick out the stone! I was lucky – all of her family was set on helping me. Her brother is one of the best photographers in the South, so I asked for his assistance in capturing the moment. I considered different locations, but my parents’ backyard seemed to be the perfect spot. It definitely had to be at my house.
So I had the location, I had the ring, I had the photographer and I knew our parents would be there.

My perfect proposal
“We were slowly walking down the driveway, hand in hand,
and it was hard for me not to pass out of anxiety,
thinking of all the friends and family watching our progress.“
While we were away, my sister set the bags in the proper positions, my friend prepared the fireworks, and her brother chose the location for the best shots.
As we came home, everything was ready: all the nearest and dearest were there, standing unseen at the back porch when we appeared in a driveway. 8:10 – perfect timing – that was the moment our romantic slideshow started playing, and Krista looked up at me in surprise. We were slowly walking down the driveway, hand in hand, and it was hard for me not to pass out of anxiety, thinking of all the friends and family watching our progress. As we reached the gazebo, with little tea lights shining brightly, I went on one knee, searching for the ring in the pocket of my white sports jacket, and asked Krista if she would do me the honor of being my wife. She said Yes. The sky lit up as our family and friends came to congratulate us and share this wonderful moment with us. I’m the luckiest man on earth, who is going to spend the rest of his life with his best friend – together, forever.
Our congratulations Ryan & Krista!
Proposal pictures by Jesse Legg Photographer
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